Chakra Balancing & Aura healing
Healing and Balancing Chakras
I work on aligning and harmonizing chakras to promote balance, vitality, and healing. The purpose of chakra balancing is to support a balanced flow of energy in the body and mind, which will promote wellbeing and health. I do chakra balancing in all my sessions but if you want a deeper focus on the chakras I can perform a specific chakra healing session where I also work on your aura in more depth. I will find imbalances and restore it to balance, I will cut cords, and clean what needs to be removed. I will go through your aura and seal any leakages, clear out anything that do harm and restore it for your highest best. Every chakra will be set into harmony and balance which will benefit you on all levels.
I use crystals and pendulums, smudge and scents if needed. I will pick crystals for you specific and make a grid which will support my work. I do my sessions remotely and they take 30-60 min. You will get a email with instructions and preparations and you will receive an email after the session with some feedback.
When your body is in balance, it can heal. When your nervous system is in rest, you can heal.
Everyday life brings multiple sources of stress and demands that result in fluctuations in your energy level. In addition past events and experiences can leave a long lasting influence on how we feel and act and influencing how we manage our energy day to day. Chakras are energy centers within the human body, associated with various physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. These energy centers are often depicted as spinning wheels or vortexes, and there are seven primary chakras aligned along the spine, starting from the base and extending to the crown of the head.
Keep in mind I can only help you as much as you are willing to help yourself.

Aura cleansing & healing
The aura is an extension of the physical body and when storing it acts as a protective shield. If its damaged it can leve the person drained unwell and feeling disconnected. Similar to skin that can get damaged with cuts and bruises an aura can also get dented or torn, when your physical skin is cut you are in danger of infection. When you aura is torn, negative energies can evade your spiritual body causing emotional mental spiritual or physical problems. The energy of the aura should be smooth dense and strong, however often an aura is uneven has depleted or congested areas , cracks or holes and energy words attached. There are several methods available for cleansing and healing the aura on various levels.

Everyone is unique
Anna is a Reiki Master and have a Diploma in Chakra and Aura balancing. She hand-pick and clean/charge the crystals she use individually for every client.
Seven Major Chakras
Each chakra is linked to specific physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of human life.
When the root chakra is balanced you can let go of fear.
When sacral chakra is balanced you will be comfortable with your own inherent power and become empowered
When solar chakra is open you will be able ro source energy for creativity movement desire pleasure and relationships
When heart chakra is in healthy alignment you will fell surronden by love compassion and joy and connected to the world around you
Balancing the throat chakra enables you to verbalize your needs desires and opinions speak your truth with compassion, and LISTEN to others
Balancing third eye chakra you will trust you inner feelings and rely on intuition
A Crown chakra in balance allow you to access higher states of contiousness.

General Practices for All Chakras
- Meditation and Visualization: Focus on each chakra individually, visualize a spinning wheel of light, and imagine it becoming brighter and balanced.
- Energy Healing: Reiki, crystal healing, or other energy-based practices to balance and align chakras.
- Chakra Yoga: Engage in yoga poses specifically designed to stimulate and balance each chakra.
Intention Setting:
- Set clear intentions to balance and harmonize your chakras before engaging in any of these practices. Intentions guide the energy flow and healing process.
- Reflect on past experiences, emotions, and patterns that might be affecting the specific chakra, allowing yourself to process and release any stored energy.
Remember, consistency and self-awareness are key. It's beneficial to integrate these practices regularly into your routine to maintain a balanced energy system. If you're new to this, consider seeking guidance from a qualified practitioner or teacher.

Balance your chakras
Clearing your chakras involves removing any blockages or imbalances in the body's energy centers to restore harmony and balance. Here are methods to clear and balance your chakras:
Root Chakra (Muladhara):
- Grounding Practices: Walk barefoot, spend time in nature, or visualize roots connecting you to the Earth.
Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana):
- Creative Activities: Engage in artistic pursuits, dance, or any creative endeavor to stimulate this chakra.
- Emotional Release: Express emotions through journaling or talking to someone trusted.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):
- Confidence Building: Practice affirmations, assertiveness, and self-empowerment exercises.
- Healthy Lifestyle: Eat nourishing foods and engage in physical activities to boost self-esteem.
Heart Chakra (Anahata):
- Self-Love: Practice self-compassion, forgiveness, and kindness towards yourself.
- Connection: Foster healthy relationships and perform acts of kindness for others.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):
- Expression: Speak your truth, engage in creative writing, or practice singing.
- Active Listening: Listen attentively to others without judgment or interruptions.
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):
- Meditation: Practice mindfulness, meditation, and visualization to enhance intuition.
- Learning: Engage in activities that stimulate the mind, like reading or learning new skills.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):
- Spiritual Connection: Practice prayer, meditation, and connect with higher consciousness.
- Mindfulness: Live in the present moment and engage in practices that promote spiritual growth.

Anna is a Reiki Master & Teacher in the classical Usui Reiki Tradition. Anna works with energy healing and energy medicine to return the body and mind to natural healing, harmony and balance. She is also a Crystal Reiki Master and Animal Reiki Master. She is certified in chakra and aura clearing and balancing. She is a certified Feng Shui consultant and interior designer and thus works with healing and balancing the internal imbalances as well as the external energies in our environment. She is a member of Svenska Reikiförbundet, Svenska Reiki Association and International Feng Shui Association.